Yesterday I went to TDS for the first time in 17 years. We stayed from the opening to the closing. We enjoyed many rides and foods. I was exhausted but it was very fun! [添付: 5 枚の画像]

By the way, yesterday was pay day! I'm in a local sushi-go-round🍣🍣

I am starting to read this book. I borrowed it from the local library today. 

I went to the Inokashira Park Zoo with my friends on Friday. An admission was only 400 yen! We saw fennex foxes, wild cats, squirrels, and other animals. The weather was perfect. We enjoyed zoo's lunch boxes and ice creams. I want to visit various zoos because I like animals of cat family.

I went to Satte with my coworkers to see cherry blossoms. It was drizzling and cold. We walked nearly 20,000 steps. The cherry blossoms and rape blossoms were beautiful.

I went to the cinema for "Firebird" yesterday. It based real person's story. It was amazing and beautiful film. I thought that love is beautiful but sometimes very selfish. I hope my follower see it and like it.

I made some apple pies early morning. It is wonderfully delicious. I want followers to try it.

Finally ordered!!! It will arrive on 1/30. I can't wait 🥺.
It's a Valentine's Day gift (for me).

I made an Indian curry without using roux. It was delicious. But I found it very troublesome to make Indian curry without roux.




