
Researchers Identify an Unexpected Predictor of Lung Cancer’s Return
Genetic information collected from seemingly healthy tissue near lung tumors may be a better predictor of whether cancer will come back after treatment than analysis of the tumors themselves, according to new research led by NYU Langone Health and its Perlmutter Cancer Center.

Ghost Particle Unmasked: Project 8’s Neutrino Mass Breakthrough
Project 8 has innovatively used Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy to observe electron behavior in tritium decay, setting an upper limit for neutrino mass. This marks progress in a long-standing challenge in particle physics, with the potential to improve our understanding of the universe’s evolution.

Scientists Uncover Potential Treatment for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
New research reveals that the Thrap3 protein aggravates NAFLD by disrupting fat metabolism in the liver, suggesting that targeting Thrap3 could lead to new treatments for the disease.

What Not to Prescribe to Older Adults and What to Use Instead
Today we are going to talk about the American Geriatrics Society 2023 updated Beers Criteria guidance for medication use in older adults. These criteria have been updated and revised approximately every 5 years since 1991 and serve to alert us to medications for which the risk-benefit ratio is not as good in older adults as in the rest of the population.
medscape.com/viewarticle/99779 BeersCriteria

The Real Drivers of Global Migration: A Twenty-Year Analysis Debunks Common Narrative
A study has found that socioeconomic conditions, rather than climate factors, are the primary drivers of global migration. Utilizing a new high-resolution dataset, the research indicates that migration patterns are complex and vary significantly within countries, challenging common perceptions about migration and climate change.

Lice DNA records the moment Europeans colonized the Americas
Genetics of head lice could offer a new avenue for exploring human migration and mixing

Comparative Genomic Study Sheds New Light on Cat Evolution
New research led by Texas A&M University and the University of Missouri scientists explains how cats, including domestic cats, lions, tigers, Geoffroy’s cats and Asian leopard cats, evolved into different species and sheds light on how different genetic changes in cats relate to survival abilities like the ability to smell prey.

Scientists Discover a Mysterious Hormone That Makes Insulin Work Better
The hormone reduces appetite in animals and occurs at concentrations 100 times higher in pregnant women. Research from the University of Copenhagen has now discovered that it enhances insulin efficacy in rodents. However, its role in our bodies remains shrouded in mystery.

Feast on 2,000 Years of Chinese Culinary History
Fuchsia Dunlop’s ‘Invitation to a Banquet’ is a delicious tour de force.

Enceladus has All the Raw Materials for Life
Saturn’s ocean moon, Enceladus, is attracting increasing attention in the search for life in our Solar System. Most of what we know about Enceladus and its ice-covered ocean comes from the Cassini mission.
New research based on Cassini data strengthens the idea that Enceladus has the chemicals necessary for life.

Article 45 Will Roll Back Web Security by 12 Years
Article 45 forbids browsers from enforcing modern security requirements on certain certificate authorities without the approval of an EU member government.
That means cryptographic keys under one government’s control could be used to intercept HTTPS communication throughout the EU and beyond.

These incredible images are the first from dark-energy telescope Euclid
A spiral galaxy and the Horsehead Nebula are among the first pictures released by ESA’s Universe-mapping observatory.

Dwarf galaxies stripped of stars prove to be the missing link in the formation of rare ultra-compact dwarf galaxies
ultra-compact dwarf galaxies, objects with masses much greater than star clusters yet much smaller than dwarf galaxies. These findings confirm that many ultra-compact dwarf galaxies are likely the fossil remains of normal dwarf galaxies that have been stripped of their outer layers.

The rise of brain-reading technology: what you need to know
As implanted devices and commercial headsets advance, what will the real-world impacts be?

Scientists Uncover Mysterious Cosmic Gift That Sparked Agricultural Revolution in Ancient Syria
Agriculture in Syria started with a bang 12,800 years ago following a comet fragment’s explosive entry into Earth’s atmosphere. This cataclysmic event, coupled with ensuing environmental changes, compelled the hunter-gatherers of the prehistoric Abu Hureyra settlement to adopt agricultural practices for survival.

The mysterious deaths of dozens of Zimbabwe’s elephants has been solved
Genetic tests identified a little-known bacterium that can cause deadly internal bleeding

Anastrozole is off-patent, which means more than one company can make it and the drug can be distributed fairly cheaply - around 4p per day per user.
First recommended as a preventative option by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, in 2017, its use in this way has now been licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency as part of NHS England's medicines-repurposing programme.


Anastrozole: Thousands to be offered drug to prevent breast cancer in England
Anastrozole, used for many years to treat the disease, has now been licensed as a preventative option.
Recent trials show the drug can reduce the incidence of breast cancer by almost 50% in post-menopausal women at moderate or high risk of the disease.
Charities said it was "a major step forward" for women with a significant family history of the cancer.

