The Real Drivers of Global Migration: A Twenty-Year Analysis Debunks Common Narrative
A study has found that socioeconomic conditions, rather than climate factors, are the primary drivers of global migration. Utilizing a new high-resolution dataset, the research indicates that migration patterns are complex and vary significantly within countries, challenging common perceptions about migration and climate change.

Right away, when a "scientist" uses the word "narrative" I get a bad feeling.

Nowhere in the original paper does it deal with the question of whether the climate catastrophe is causing the socioeconomic conditions that cause people to move!

[some time elapses]

Now I did some analysis, this article is fucking enraging.


Why would someone get up and move due to climate change, without socioeconomic reasons?

Are they seriously proposing that people would leave a place where they are doing economically well "because of climate change"?

How would this even go? "I'm going to close my profitable business here and move, as a statement about climate change." Who would find that believable?

This is the biggest sack of shit I've seen today, and I've seen a lot of shit today.

