#IsraelUsaHamasWar / ""Occupation, Expulsion, Settlement"...

Israeli soldiers reminding themselves of their mission statement: "occupation, expulsion, settlement" - effectively describing #EthnicCleansing. Is this IDF's actual mission in Gaza?

At least, it should raise concerning questions. If this is what SOME soldiers believe their role to be, how does it impact their treatment of the local Palestinian population? Does it translate into a mentality of killing as many as possible?

The soldier's use of the #Hebrew name for the month also suggests he likely comes from the nationalist-religious camp. This segment of the population is known for a zealous ideological commitment to settling all of historic #Palestine.

So both the words expressed and background of the soldier point to an extremely troubling mindset among a portion of #IDF troops tasked with engaging with Palestinians. A mindset that at its core endorses and perpetrates systemic ethnic cleansing.

Video clip via twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/sta



kolektiva.social/@oatmeal/1119 [参照]

