In 2006 Pres. Jimmy Carter's book #Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid was published. The #ADL and #AIPAC immediately defamed him and he was ostracized by Washington as is the case with any politician who dares to criticize #Israel and its apartheid policies.
Carter got 46% of the Jewish vote in 1980, shockingly low for a Democrat, because his UN ambassador dared to meet with Palestinians.
President Carter will be remembered as the most moral and human president America ever had.
c/o @ahmedeldin
このtootに貼ってあるカーター元大統領の2006年のインタビューに👏 カーター大統領が、イスラエル政府のパレスチナ人へのアパルトハイト政策について、本を書いていたとは知らなかった! 全く歯に衣着せず、はっきりと問題を指摘。