@AkioHoshi Thank you for introducing this interesting document.
In particular, the statement, "While automated vehicles might not make as many mistakes as human drivers, the types of mistakes they do make are different and can be serious'' is what I felt from reporting on various autonomous accident cases. (Below are my bookmarks) https://b.hatena.ne.jp/dltlt/%E8%87%AA%E5%BE%8B%E6%95%85%E9%9A%9C/
Human-driven vehicles sometimes cause pile-up, but if autonomous vehicles become widespread to a certain extent, a different kind of multiple simultaneous collisions may occur, I suppose.
@AkioHoshi Thank you for introducing this interesting document.
In particular, the statement, "While automated vehicles might not make as many mistakes as human drivers, the types of mistakes they do make are different and can be serious'' is what I felt from reporting on various autonomous accident cases. (Below are my bookmarks)
Human-driven vehicles sometimes cause pile-up, but if autonomous vehicles become widespread to a certain extent, a different kind of multiple simultaneous collisions may occur, I suppose.