Calckeyの名前がFirefishに変わったそうで、今までは名前がMisskeyに似ていることから「見た目似てるしMisskeyの親戚的なものなんだな〜」ってなってたのが「なんか見た目がMisskeyに似てるけど、パクリ?」って誤解を生まないかと余計な心配をしている。#fedibird it looks like misskey because it is a derivative from it.I don't really like their rebranding, specially since they don't really be doing a lot of different things.
様々な目的に使える、日本の汎用マストドンサーバーです。安定した利用環境と、多数の独自機能を提供しています。 it looks like misskey because it is a derivative from it.
I don't really like their rebranding, specially since they don't really be doing a lot of different things.