
なにが自分の住んでいる世界で local で,なにが global なのかは, に出てみないとわからないことがよくわかった
( は sheaf-like world という表現を使ったけれど,multiverse という方が実情にあっているような気がする)

いくら open sourse と言ってもコードを全て読んでいるわけではないし,逆に open sourse だと local な世界が知らないうちに multivers の中で特異な進化を遂げてしまっている可能性もあるわけだから …

例えば,toots の情報の全体の同期にかなりの時間を要しているようだ,というのは,複数の instances に account をもってみて初めてわかったことだし,同期の仕方がかなり local rule に依存している可能性もある,というのも考えていなかったことだった.


まあ,説明書のようなものを読むと,複数の accounts を instances をまたいで持つことを推奨しているようにも読めるのだが.

These are all extremely interesting and important points that @sakaefchn makes. I still want to push the sheaf metaphor, as those are the natural mathematical objects for local/global interactions (or lack of interactions). Multiverse is just one instance, but sheaves have a more topological feel.

What I truly think is great in this paradigm, the Mastodon paradigm, is the possibility of coexistence, the non-uniqueness of a universe, the awareness of local and global.

This toot is now published form my mathstodon.xyz account to make it a self-referential instance of sheaf/multiverse discussion. The toot in Japanese tooted at was inpired by a toots conversation with although she does not refer to the sheaf/multiverse analogy.
Before we go further in the discussion, I want to translate the Japanese toot of mine into English in an answer to this toot just to avoid a lost-in-translation situation. So please wait...

The following is a free translation of what I wrote in the previous toot in Japanese. In the original text, I just tried to hide what I was talking about to make the whole thing interpretable in multiple ways. In the following "translation" I put everything more concrete so that its natural interpretation now becomes that I am talking about mastodon:

You recognize what is local in your world and what is global across all these different worlds only when you step out from your world into the #multiverse. (I think I didn't understand this very good until I moved from the avian world to the world of Mammutidae and created multiple accounts in different worlds there --- @avillavecesn explained it as the “sheaf-like world” but I think the expression “multivers” is more fitting to the situation I am describing now ).

If the software is open source, everything becomes on your own responsibility since you can solve all the problem about the system by reading all the source codes which actually nobody does. In the contrary, just by being open source, there is always the danger that your local world develops to something quite singular in the multiverse.

By my new perspective in the multiverse, I've just got to know that synchronization of informations of the whole toots is way slower than I supposed and the process might be also strongly dependent on the local setting of the individual instances.

This kind of sheaf structure which allows the normal user to live an indigenous person who has never left his/her village without being able to know what happens in the whole multiverse might obtain the same kind of vulnerability as the one the whole human civilization possesses. Although instructions of seem to recommend to make multiple accounts across different instances.

