
ジョン・ロックのディープラーニング (deep Learning) = 深遠な学識

> Vague and insignificant Forms of Speech, and Abuse of Language, have so long passed for Mysteries of Science: And hard or misapply'd Words, with little or no meaning, have, by Prescription, such a Right to be mistaken for deep Learning and heighth of Speculation, that it will not be easie to persuade either those who speak, or those who hear them, that they are but the Covers of Ignorance, and hindrance of true Knowledge.

大槻春彦による『人間知性論1』(岩波文庫)p.24 の翻訳

> むずかしいことばや用い方を誤ったことばが(...)深遠な学識・高邁な思索とまちがえられる権利をえてしまったので

