I have some good news and some bad news! :peertube:

Our #PeerTube instance, peertube.tv was always hosted with us at home since it took a lot of storage space but unfort the server broke down last summer with the intense heat😿 I have tried to recover the files but both disks do not respond to anything anymore after many tries..

For the good news, I just setup a new instance for PeerTube.TV but now on a remote server with Wasabi storage(basically unlimited)! :blobcheerwitch:


I'm now finishing up the instance details, rules, network etc etc.

After that I'll open signups with a high storage cap limit :blobcathighfive: 📼

I'm keeping an eye on the server since we start out small but if needed can upgrade if many people want to stream live!

I'll post something later if signups are open ❤️

Fun fact...!

Setting up Wasabi (for example) with #PeerTube is even more easy than #Mastodon for example lol!

I highly recommend it!


@stux I also use wasabi for my site fedimovie.com, and it's great because it has a longer media retention period than Mastodon, which works well with wasabi's policies!

Hi, I have checked your site, and see, a source src="blob:fedimovie.com/17963c1a-5de0-41" , do you still use wasabi?

