>This plush mount was clearly woven with the greatest care using techniques traditional in the Near East. The origins of its more magical elements remain unclear, as the only extant historical records regarding flying carpets pertain to one given to an ancient king of Corvos by a faerie queen, and it is highly unlikely that said carpet would have been adorned with a motif of Namazu and moogles─as this one most certainly is.
>It is said an ancient king of Corvos, upon conquering a tribe of faeries, bid the faerie queen weave her magicks to forge an object the likes mankind had never seen. The queen was executed shortly after presenting the king with a flying carpet. This is not that carpet, but at least no one was slain in its creation.
こんな物語どうしたって公とフェオちゃんを想起しちゃうんだけどENのほうなんでこんな物騒なの やめてよ
ビッグファッキャが英語圏ではネクロマンサーに蘇生された猫の死体とかいうレベルじゃない 話変わってる……
FF14 「ビッグ・ファットキャット」細かい事を気にした英文フレーバーテキスト : Eorzean https://www.eorzean.info/archives/31206018.html