Hello Mastodons. I'm a Japanese, studying #psychology at The Open University of Japan (#放送大学, #ouj) while working in the publishing industry. I'd love to pursue graduate studies.
My interests: history of psychical research and #parapsychology / #WilliamJames / C.G. #Jung / E. #Swedenborg / #ReligiousPsychology / #Mythology / #CulturalAnthropology
My dream: Owner of the Japanese branch of the #MetaphysicalClub
「『挫折してもやり直せる』元ヤクザが、弁護士になって 異色の経歴を明かした覚悟と理由」
Here is our voice!
Student in the course of Psychology and Education at The Open University of Japan.
My interests: history of psychical research and parapsychology / William James / C.G.Jung / E.Swedenborg / Religious Psychology / Mythology / Cultural Anthropology
My dream: Owner of the Japanese branch of the Metaphysical Club!