Science Reveals Sourdough Secrets: Unraveling the Tangy Mystery of Pandemic-Era’s Favorite Bread
Researchers have decoded 21 chemical compounds behind sourdough bread’s distinct taste and aroma. Using a “sensomics” approach, the team highlighted the importance of fermentation and proposed methods to reduce salt while preserving flavor.

Favorited on principle; not something i can deal with myself (allergic), but assuredly of interest. i will read the article when i have time and cycles.

Oh, boo, yes, I can see where food sensitivities would be a problem. ISTR you having a starter tucked away in the back of your fridge in days of yore, no? We presume this is no longer the case.

a) yes -- sensitivities (particularly allergies) are not the fun. b) before i became allergic to wheat (or possibly gluten -- i was tested so long ago that i don't recall), my neighbors gave me a start of a splendid sourdough culture from Idaho that was over a hundred years old. alas, a while later mine went bad, and so did theirs. i'd sent a start to friends elsewhere, but it didn't have a label, and got mistaken for a biology experiment during a fridge cleaning.

