Hi, I'm Yuuli! I usually upload singing videos (often with baritone ukulele) on YouTube and Tiktok. And will be more active for streaming on Twitch. In addition to music-related contents, I'm planning to upload variety contents including gameplay and some entertaining stuff with my new avatar in the near future! I'll create contents in English and/or in Japanese. Nice to meet you all :blobcatawauu:

はじめまして、侑璃です!YouTubeやTiktokで弾き語り動画を上げたりしてます。Twitchの配信もちょくちょくしていけたらな〜と思ってます。今後はゲームとか企画物とかも上げていけたらなぁと準備中です!英語のコンテンツが多めかもしれません。よろしくね :blobcatuguu:

