they did that to my cat when they neutered him.
they cut their ears as a way to signal they’ve been neutered because people must need to know.
sadly they do it to strays to show they’ve been neutered. I hate it but it happened before he became my cat.
Domesticated cats are an invasive species with zero instinctual inhibitions regarding overbreeding. It is necessary.
I agree with you there, which is why I’m against TNR and letting feral colonies establish themselves. in my area there’s been massive population declines in native birds and colubrids. I just don’t like the idea of cutting a huge chunk off the ear when a small nippet would do the same job.
It makes sense on a stray, being able to tell they are spayed at a glance is very good. It makes absolutely no sense for an owned cat.
I guess they just expect people to adopt them and make them barn cats, which just means they’ll be strays again until picked up or killed.
