
The terrorist group says it fired 130 rockets towards Tel Aviv and its suburbs.


I wonder what the solution is to peace in the Middle East. How to get two sides to accept each other and cease violence.

please explain. I'm learning about the situation in the Middle East. I know that Israel was a result of post-WWII and there was a 6 day war. But other than that, I don't know what it was all about.

Sykes–Picot Agreement
McMahon–Hussein Correspondence
Balfour Declaration

wow that was all eye-opening. I would not have found that for a good long while. It makes me think that such secret meeting exist today for the geo-political conflicts we may see the future. I'm always trying to guess what "secrets" are happening in present day. There's got to be some good juicy ones out there. What this looks like to me is a few people with too much power.

