
I'd like to show the people of Sakaki what the selection in the city stores is really like.

"That's a nice dog. It's a purebred with a pedigree, right? It must have been expensive to buy," an elderly gentleman said, giving me a strange compliment.

I got a message about an upcoming Google Meet session to explain the employee stock ownership plan, inviting those interested to join. But I couldn't help but think, aren't employees living in Japan unable to buy shares in the parent company?

@RoboticistDuck @niten
I assumed that every household had a stash of gold coins or nuggets in preparation for inflation and other eventualities. I apologize.

In the JR lines of the Tokyo metropolitan area, wearing more than five sprays of perfume per person before boarding has been mandated.

Couldn't South Florida potentially evolve into a stunning array of underwater cities?

We should actively promote the campaign to eliminate American men of the professorial type residing in Japan.


When I turned on the TV and saw Dr. James Farrer from Sophia University introducing Nishi-Ogikubo, I immediately switched it off. I thought, "Here we go again with another show where they get a foreigner who knows Japan well to introduce something, making it seem like a new discovery.

