Idaho is a horrible place for libertarians.
Libertarians are a horrible place for libertarians.Their ideas make little sense in reality.
Libertarianism only serves the hedonistic selfish interests of the individual 😏
Libertarians also respect the hedonistic selfish interests of other individuals. That's the whole point actually, respecting other people's rights.
Cool.So that hedonism creates a group of Jews that kidnap, rape, and mutilate children.You’re cool with that as a libertarian?
"Muh Jews !!"Stop with that nonsense. There are good Jews and bad ones like any group
We’re talking about an example asshole.Also, if there are “good Jews” where are they.Do they outnumber the genocidal maniacs in Israel now?Are they calling for the heads of the Jews in Guatemala that were just caught trafficking children?
And...? What's the correlation between being a Jew and commiting these acts ? Nope, none! These "Jews" that appear in the media don't even consider themselves strictly Jews
It appears to be 100% correlation of either supporting or worse committing these acts.You apparently are unable to provide any examples of “good Jews.”
Bobby Fischer seems to be an honest Jew.@d9dba0e072bdb353dfb0020de159126af47e69e133ea91bbd48e8bede37320e2 @toiletpaper @freepatriot @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @a87b402ac081c8849b9d5bd4e39f2287f25709d3e3f79e784af1e8b38fefbdf1 @fbe5e80ec8db5c439e2582d5799d25e2fe8b958b1edf595a173ae1c8aaf46077