ささな さんがブースト




ささな さんがブースト

Today I quarrelled with one of my best friends on the SNS. I even thought of blocking her, but I didn't because she once was the girl I loved. She said that I wouldn’t live a happy life wherever I went. I replied:” Hope you always live in a beautiful world.” Suddenly, I remembered the last time I got disgusted by her word: “ Be careful, or you will fall to a very bad end.”


Remember the bus in the early hours of the morning.
Remember the collapsed quarantine hotel.
Remember the pregnant woman who had a miscarriage in front of the hospital.
Remember the nurse in Shanghai who died after being refused treatment by her own hospital.
Remember the three-year-old child in Lanzhou.
Remember the desperate cries of the Urumqi fire.
Remember it all.
--A young woman's speech by the Liangma River in Beijing tonight

@pigeon_mushroom 了不得!我们很少游行经验,还是得学一些这方面经验。

@taiyo そうです。理不尽なコロナ封じ政策を強いられてからこそ、今までウイグル人がどんな苦難を乗り越えてきたのか、ようやく漢民族の人が分かったのです。とはいえ、政権の悪に目覚めたのは極一部の人に限ります。

ささな さんがブースト

Although it is difficult to expect protests in universities or cities to achieve anything, from this generation onwards, no more dictators will be produced.

ささな さんがブースト

If E2EE Twitter is activated in China in future, your message might be encrypted by shared keys with government.

I wrote fiction about this story in 2017, as fiction.


People gathered in Shanghai, shouting slogans: "Down with the Communist Party!" A bus pulled some of the protesters away. According to an analyst, the protests in Xinjiang and Shanghai were different in nature, with the latter demanding freedom and democracy and being anti-communist.


"It was me who jumped off the building; it was me who was in the overturned bus; it was me who left Foxconn on foot; it was me who froze to death on the road; it was me who couldn't afford a vegetable packet for months without an income, it was me who died in a fire. If none of them was me, then next time, it will be me." h/t: tw @big_ear_cat



Ten people died in the fire in Urumqi. They would have had time to escape if the local authorities hadn't barred the exits of the tower building.


In the Foxconn incident, the failure to quickly block domestic platforms such as Kuaishou and to cut off mobile phone signals at the scene allowed a large amount of information about the scene to leak out, putting a lot of pressure on the local government. h/t: twitter @xzzzjpl



The local propaganda department performed poorly in several mass incidents in Henan this year. In the local bank incident, there was no understanding of the use of Telegram and Twitter, so the government had no advanced knowledge of depositors' talking. When a sudden concentration of mass depositors happened, it caught the stability maintenance staff (5-0s) off guard.

These elements support my life. Books published twenty years ago, music released ten years ago, photos taken on a trip five years ago, films released three years ago, money earned last year, frozen dumplings stocked up three months ago before the city was closed, the PCR report done yesterday, and today's freshly made Soviet jokes.


#Foxconn uprisings (with violence).Zhengzhou, #China 

@oxpal There are many videos uploaded online; you can check them in a telegram channel for those trending topics. Https://t.me/times001 It’s said that Foxconn workers have shared their information in a specific telegram group, but I have no idea what the link is. Good luck.

