

It's my neighbour's birthday, and they are preparing a gathering where relatives and neighbours come to eat and leave their money, but I don't want to eat long-living noodles with many strangers. So I don't get up after waking up about 1 hour ago. It's procrastination.


If you find a breathing hole in a dry root pond and dig into it for 30 or 40 cm, you can explore a snapper out of the pond mud.

Elisabeth is taken in and enrolled in secondary school. But her dreams are not what everyone expects of her until she sneaks into a chess tournament and wins her first prize. The lady of the house has just been divorced and now sees hope in winning the bonus. I'm a little worried that the mother would use this child prodigy as a tool to make a profit.



ささな さんがブースト

マストドンだけじゃなく、MisskeyやPleromaでも使えるよ。 notestock.osa-p.net/

Gregory shared that a surrendered soldier didn't give up his faith and was flayed alive by Muslims from the East. His son Smerdyakov sneered at that idea, saying that the soldier was okay to renounce Christ and his baptismal vows to save his own life as long as he had the heart to make up for the mistake.

In the climax, near the end, the orphan, Elisabeth, swallows a handful of pain tablets and finally collapses from her chair in front of everyone at the orphanage. She is a very clever girl who learns the rules of chess quickly and can win a multi-player chess match. What will be the fate of such a genius?

Workers in Henan’s Foxconn are seen using hydraulic spray to fight the 5-0s.



The hell is hollow, and the demons are in the human world.

Three heart transplants in one day mean that three people have donated within four hours before the operation, and it’s nearly impossible for three living people to express a wish to present at the same time, so there is a lot of untold secrecy behind this.

The Chinese live in a Kafkaesque dystopian society. What is characteristic of a Kafkaesque society: "No matter how bizarre, absurd or illogical the rule is, most people do not hesitate to obey it". Because by obeying it, one pays for it afterwards; by not following it, one pays for it immediately, and in any case, sooner or later, one pays for the actions of others. twitter.com/majuismail1122/

Could the Three-Self Church be described as a Chinese version of the Anglo-Catholic?

The difference between Iran and Turkey is that the Iranian civil society is secular, and many people are not religious, while the government is indeed highly religious. Turkey is the opposite, with most religious people, while the government, especially the military, is secular. Every weekend many wealthy Iranians fly to Istanbul to spend their money in high-end shopping malls and then fly back to Iran. Kemal was a great man! n/t:tw@xzzzjpl

On a cold and rainy night, I got up to go to the toilet and was glad I wasn't in a prison uniform or a hospital gown.

