クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

Every time you excuse obvious hate speech on a flimsy technicality you're teaching fascists that you're gullible as shit and they can do whatever they want

クレア さんがブースト

Always sad when you realize a new shirt isn’t working out

クレア さんがブースト

Update about our cat Clyde's healthcare, surgery date. Cat picture with eye-contact. Money fundraising 

Clyde will have her growth on the belly taken off on Thursay morning!

She'll be spayed at the same time.

In total, we'll have to pay around 400€, including 50€ for the biopsy and the 45€ we've paid for the consultation today.

It's not preciser yet, it will depend on how the surgery goes.

I will let you know. Any help is still appreciated, please boost.
Thank you 🙏🏻


クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

BE SHAMELESS when you ask for money. Ask for more money than you exactly need on the penny. Because you know what? You might need extra food too.

You're not guilty of anything for needing help.

Life is a fucking mess, and sometimes we need help. We all know that if you need help today, you wouldn't hesistate for a second to help someone tomorrow if you could.

So when asking, remember you're not a burden, there's no guilt in asking for help, just tell us what you need, and let us help.

クレア さんがブースト

I do not often post #GoFundMe items, but this 9ne is special. The First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Oakland CA, the city's oldest African American church, was destroyed by fire on February 19, 2023. The cause is still under investigation.

Known as the FAME Church, the congregation has many times been a true #ally to Jews in Oakland. If you have a few bucks you can share, please consider contributing.

#Jewniverse #Mazeldon #Allies #AMEChurch


クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

Coming over here for the dopamine hit of being able to view images

クレア さんがブースト

What with Twitter shitting the bed once again, please excuse me bothering you here!

クレア さんがブースト

oh that's cool after she defeats the monster all the damage to the surrounding area gets magically fixed so no one is inconvenienced


this precure is named "Cure Sky" and her real name is Sora so her name is just sky twice

i have entirely too much time to do stuff if I can't doomscroll twitter


mill decks in historic mtg are way too fast and are basically impossible to stop :(

クレア さんがブースト

Can anyone point me to kid-friendly resources on #abolition ? My kid’s middle school class has started looking at the issues of crime, prisons etc and the teacher is open to material on a range of perspectives. (The stuff I have is a bit too dense/long).

