クレア さんがブースト

(please boost) asking for money help 


i need $80 to order groceries, $60 for medical weed, and $35 for my phone bill ($175 total)

currently unemployed and in the process of applying for disability

paypal: paypal.com/paypalme/v33b33

cashapp: cash.app/$vantablack420

venmo: account.venmo.com/u/vantablack

liberapay: liberapay.com/v4nt4bl4ck

and to help with laser hair removal here's my gofundme (goes towards separate total): gofundme.com/f/donations-to-de

thank you so much 🖤

#MutualAid #TransCrowdFund

time to get a new phone cord out of the phone cord pile

might notice my toots are in Japanese a lot, I'm taking advantage of the fact I'm on a JP server to find people to talk to

i hate how i'll read something and be like "wow I can read Japanese" and then I'll read something two seconds later and be like "wow I don't understand Japanese"

anyone on here play MtG on Arena? I want some people I can talk to to play with

クレア さんがブースト

apparently I'm no longer locked out of facebook but also I have no interest in using facebook

クレア さんがブースト

It also tells the people you are supporting that they have allies, allies they can actually rely on. Most boycotts don't fail because what you're up against is too big, but because the supposed allies flake out, and leave them hanging.

Just look at the whole kerfuffle on here around the wizard game; people were so unwilling to forego a completely optional piece of entertainment that one person even sacrificed a whole instance hosting tens of thousands of people.

And the .lol admin wasn't the only one crossing the picket line, either. A lot of people, especially white men, were perfectly willing to write it off as silly.

6/ 🧵

クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

dark mode on linux is eeeaaasssy you simply

dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/color-scheme "'\''prefer-dark'\''" ; xrdb -merge ~/.local/share/polybar-dark ; systemctl --user restart polybar ; emacsclient -n "(load-theme '\''doom-dracula'\'' t)"

aaand you're done

I've set my phone to limit my twitter use so I guess I'm over here today

hopefully it will be way less stressful here

クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

so two things about winston churchill are he was a genocidal monster and when he said ‘a bottle of vermouth should last an entire war’ he did not know how good the modern united states would be at prolonging wars

クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

I tried to pay cash at the plagiarism store but they only take credit.

クレア さんがブースト

believe that you can and you're one step closer to an unimaginable disaster

