クレア さんがブースト

*flirting with Ozymandias, King of Kings*

So...is there anyone who looks upon your works and despairs?

クレア さんがブースト

Today on the first day of Women’s History Month I learned that after no fault divorce was finally legalized in 1970, female suicide rates dropped 20%🤯

The "strong 1950s family unit" that the GOP is nostalgic about ignores record high female suicide, suffocating domestic violence, & zero female financial autonomy.

But maybe that's GOP's goal all along?🤔

クレア さんがブースト

[Googles ‘pet raccoons’]

"Raccoons are wild and potentially dangerous animals. Keeping raccoons is ILLEGAL..."

[continues scrolling]

"What to Expect From Your New Pet Raccoon!"


クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

Now that I’m a mature adult, I can think back to when I was growing up and learning that most adults were not smart. Now that I’ve been an adult for so many years, I can safely say that it is much worse than I could have ever imagined.

クレア さんがブースト

can't sleep, seized by the desire to eat an entire can of black olives

クレア さんがブースト

"Would you rather eat a pound of bricks or a matter baby?" he asks.

"What's a matter baby?" I ask.

I'm shown a newborn so dense the fabric of space-time sags in a deep gravity well, drawing nearby celestial objects inextricably towards it.

"Uhhhhhh… The bricks, I guess?"

クレア さんがブースト

They say that 50% of all marriages will last forever and I don't need that kind of pressure

クレア さんがブースト

Cops basically escorting anti-LGBTQIA+ fucks through Pride should tell you all you need to know about cops at Pride.

クレア さんがブースト

Democrats have no instinct for exercising power after being trained for decades to work through the courts.

The courts are gone - taken over by our enemies who disdain the very concept of rule of law.

The only time Dems now manage to think creatively is coming up with reasons why other forms of exercising power would be problematic or impossible.

クレア さんがブースト

Walgreens is restricting sales of abortion pills because they (probably correctly) believe they're more likely to face consequences for defying conservatives than for defying liberals, despite liberals official control of the Presidency and Senate and nationwide popular majorities. Either use power yourself or watch your enemies use power instead! There's no alternative!

クレア さんがブースト

anybody wanna buy a very sad and broke gal some food? pretty please?



クレア さんがブースト

Did you know?

it's almost my birthday. my family disowned me when i came out so if you wanna get me a gift it would lighten my day!


クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト

“I’ll miss this place,” the graduating senior says.

“You’ll see it again.” I smile. “In dreams, whenever you have anxiety. It won’t be exactly the same… That’s why you’ll be lost. And late for class. Then realize you haven’t attended all year. There’s a test.”


“You haven’t studied.”

クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト
クレア さんがブースト
