そうだ学校そのものが私と合わないんだ そうかそうか
Despite Japan's reputation as a safe country, it is not safe for me as a transgender individual.
As a result, I am now planning to apply for refugee status in Canada. I have several queer friends who are also compelled to leave Japan to ensure their survival. I reached out to the Canadian Embassy, and they advised me to seek a referral to Canada through UNHCR or obtain assistance from a sponsor. Rainbow Refugee recommended relying on acquaintances and friends in Canada.
【Helping Japanese Queers Seek Asylum in Canada】
I am a non-binary/transmasculine person currently residing in Japan. The challenges I face here have made it increasingly difficult to continue living in this country. The rise of transphobia, partial acceptance of discrimination against queers through the LGBT law, repeated discriminatory experiences in healthcare and education, and invalidation of my gender identity to the legal system have all contributed.
ひ〜です。タメ口、敬語、どちらでも大丈夫です。苦手な絵文字はありません。トランス差別に反対。ノンバイナリー差別に反対。ゼノジェンダー差別に反対。ペドフィリア差別に反対。フィクトセクシュアル差別に反対。全ての差別に反対。あんまりTLみれてないです。 アイコンのALT:デジタルイラストです。紫色系のグラデーションに、白や薄紫色の、玉ボケのようなものが漂っています。 ヘッダーのALT:デジタルイラストです。茶色っぽい野原があります。水平線辺りに低い山が二つ、水平線に沿って木があります。