
中山・紫苑ステークス(G2)、5番人気のクリスマスパレードが会心レコードV! 好スタートから2番手をリズムよく進み、絶好の手応えで4角を回ると、直線では鮮やかな末脚を披露して抜け出し、3歳牝馬10ハロンG2覇者となりました。重賞初V。鞍上は石川裕紀人騎手。クビ差2着にミアネーロ。

Today, September 7 (JST), is one of the 24 solar terms, White Dew (Hakuro in Japanese).


Today's Google logo in Japan celebrates para powerlifting at the Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games. It's the same logo as yesterday.  doodles.google/doodle/paris-ga

日本でのGoogleのロゴ、本日はパリ2024夏季パラリンピック・パラ・パワーリフティングver.です。昨日と同様のロゴ。 doodles.google/doodle/paris-ga



川崎・若武者賞(S3)、断然1番人気のベアバッキューン〔川崎〕が逃走9馬身差V! 先手を取り、単騎で快足を飛ばすと、3~4角でリードを広げ、独走状態で直線を駆けて2歳決戦を制しました。無傷3連勝で重賞初V。町田直希騎手騎乗。ゴールドモーニン〔川崎〕が2着。



名古屋・秋桜賞(SP1)、断然1番人気のキャリックアリード〔大井〕がレコードV! 3番手を追走し、3~4角で外から先頭に立つと、直線、鋭い末脚で他馬との差を広げ、牝馬交流SP1を制しました。重賞初V。御神本訓史騎手騎乗。7馬身差2着にハクサンアマゾネス〔金沢〕。

The number of Bluesky users has exceeded 9,000,000!

tomo さんがブースト

Announcement: Firefish will enter maintenance mode

For those who have been supporting Firefish and me, I can’t thank you enough. But today, I have to make an announcement of my very difficult decision: As of today’s release, Firefish will enter maintenance mode and reach end-of-support at the end of the year. The main reasons for this are as follows.

In February, Kainoa suddenly transferred the ownership of Firefish to me. This transition came without prior notice, which took me aback. I still wish Kainoa had consulted with me in advance. At that time, some people were already saying that “Firefish is coming back”, making it challenging to address the situation. Also, since there were several hundred active Firefish servers at that point, I could not suddenly discontinue the project, so I took over the project unwillingly.

Over the past seven months, I have been maintaining Firefish alone. All other former maintainers have left, leaving me solely responsible for managing issues, reviewing merge requests, testing, and releasing new versions. This situation has had a significant impact on my personal life.

Frankly speaking, there are numerous bugs and questionable logic in the current Firefish codebase. While I attempted to fix them, balancing this work with my personal life made it clear that it would take ages, and I’ve started thinking that I can’t manage this project in the long run. Additionally, vulnerabilities have been reported approximately once a month. Addressing vulnerabilities, communicating privately with reporters, and testing fixes have proven overwhelming and unsustainable. Moreover, a certain percentage of users have made insulting comments, which have severely affected my mental well-being and made me fearful of opening social media apps.

I will do my best to refund the donations made to Firefish via OpenCollective, but that’s not guaranteed.

firefish.dev and info.firefish.dev will remain operational until the end of February 2025, after which they will return a 410 Gone status.

Server admins may downgrade Firefish to version
20240206/1.0.5-rc and migrate to another *key variant, or may fork Firefish to maintain.

Downgrade instructions:


日本でのGoogleのロゴ、本日はパリ2024夏季パラリンピック・パラ・パワーリフティングver.です。 doodles.google/doodle/paris-ga



川崎・戸塚記念(S1)、1番人気のサントノーレ〔大井〕が完勝! 少し離れた2番手を進み、2周目3角手前で先頭を奪うと、直線、別次元の脚で他馬を突き放し、重馬場の3歳S1を制しました。重賞3勝目。笹川翼騎手のテン乗り。6馬身差2着にフロインフォッサル〔船橋〕。

