Okay so maybe it’ll be fun to share something about photography that I’ve learnt. Of course you feel like hot stuff if you can get the bird as big as possible in the frame. I used to ignore photos like the first one because I thought the subject was too small. Then I realized it depends what you mean by subject. The bird in context has more interesting colors and shapes and tells more of a complete story. The hummingbird floating in nothing is still cool but I usually like to include the plant.
はなみすきーのはなモードTLが急に騒がしくなったと思ったら自分の #fedibird アカウントをフォローしたんだった
私が見た中ではいちばん冷静な解説 メディアの世代交代の影響が大きくて、候補者も法律もついていけてなかったって話になりそう