Firefoxが「レビューチェッカー」のデフォルト搭載を予定していることが明らかに - GIGAZINE
呼気アセトン0.4mmol/L, こんなに上がらないものだったか? 自分のトゥート遡ったら二日目の朝で2.2mmol/Lいってるけど.
How hard can it be to mod a premade board?? Filco Minila - YouTube
Ubiquinone or Ubiquinol – does it really matter?
> Ubiquinol has a milky white appearance, whereas ubiqui- none is yellowish. The best way to test if the content in a ubiquinol capsule is really what it claims to be is to pierce the capsule and squeeze out the content. If it is yellowish, there is a risk that it has oxidized and turned into ubiqui- none. In that case, you have not received what you paid for.
競技タイピング, カスタムキーボード, ブルアカ等