
RT @EuromaidanPress
@SaveukraineUs Save Ukraine founder said that during the latest mission to rescue abducted Ukrainian children, a grandmother who had been due to pick up two children passed away during the journey, and Russians didn't permit the pair to travel back to Ukraine.


「赤の広場」ドローン攻撃を 賞金7000万円とウクライナ実業家:時事ドットコム jiji.com/jc/article?k=20230408 @jijicomより

Пу́тін - хуйло́

ウクライナの子ども30人が家族と再会 ロシアに2万人近く連れ去り | FNNプライムオンライン fnn.jp/articles/-/511339

RT @UAnimalsENG
409th day of full-scale war: we helped the animals of Mykolaiv and supported cats and dogs of Kharkiv region and Khmelnytskyi. In total, we sent 2 404 kg of pet food!
PayPal 👉🏻 donate@uanimals.org
Patreon 👉🏻 patreon.com/uanimals
Every penny matters 🙏

RT @EspresoTV
ЄС обговорює з країнами G7 спецтрибунал щодо злочину агресії РФ, – єврокомісар Рейндерс espreso.tv/es-obgovoryue-z-kra

RT @mariupoli7days

RT @UKYoshiOk
「マリウポリ 7日間の記録」はコメント、「プーチンより愛を込めて」は監修させて頂きました。後者は、監修者として映画館で対談会もあります。ぜひ、ご覧下さい。

RT @PatronDsns
This is Serhiy, he is a sapper. He lost his leg . But he did not lose his smile.
Last week we had terrible news about injuries to sappers. I sent the funds from my Fund, but unfortunately it is almost empty now.
If you can help, I will be very grateful ⬇️

