ウクライナ避難者に日本語を 支援団体が教材作成 | NHK https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20230506/k10014058921000.html
#UkraineWar #Ukraine #Ukrainian #Україна
#genocide #Russia #Russian #Россия #ウクライナ
#Japan #Японія #日本 #Refugees
Rheinmetall can produce up to 600,000 shells per year for Ukraine
#UkraineWar #Ukraine #Ukrainian #Україна
#genocide #Russia #Russian #Россия #ウクライナ
Denmark, Germany to send 80 Leopard I tanks to Ukraine this month https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3705461-denmark-germany-to-send-80-leopard-i-tanks-to-ukraine-this-month.html
#UkraineWar #Ukraine #Ukrainian #Україна
#genocide #Russia #Russian #Россия #ウクライナ
#Germany #Leopard #Denmark
RT @GlasnostGone
Russian state media report Russia undertaking a big "evacuation" of Ukrainian civilians in occupied southern #Ukraine. Plan to evacuate 70,000 civilians from near the frontline in occupied Zaporizhzhia. This no doubt means Russia can then flatten the area. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/may/05/russia-ukraine-war-live-kyiv-shoots-down-own-drone-over-capital-zelenskiy-speaks-at-the-hague?CMP=share_btn_tw&page=with:block-64550a738f0830193ba61870#block-64550a738f0830193ba61870
RT @Lyla_lilas
Abandoned pets suffer during war. One of them was a dog found in Bakhmut by border guard Oleksandr. He named him "Knopa". With his new owner, the dog recovered very fast: food, shelter and a soft bed made of fleece buff. Now Knopa is a member of the family and even gets… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1654419613222858753
RT @EuropeanPravda
З Литви в Україну доставили перші 3 радари з 16, на які литовці зібрали 14 млн євро https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2023/05/5/7161059/
13-year-old Ukrainian refuses to sing with Russians at Italy festival
#UkraineWar #Ukraine #Ukrainian #Україна
#genocide #Russia #Russian #Россия #ウクライナ
RT @Lyla_lilas
Many dead dolphins were found near the temporarily occupied Crimea
This was announced by Ivan Rusev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, an employee of the Tuzlovsky Lymany National Nature Park.
According to him, in April, more than a hundred dead dolphins were registered in the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1652967509983744006
平和を願うコンサート「キーウの門」を聴く 〜郡山キャナル国際音楽祭2023【郡山キャナル国際音楽祭実行委員会】5/4ウクライナ出身。YouTub再生回数3700万回で知られるピアニスト。[2023/5/4(木) 開場: 18:00 /開演: 18:30] https://teket.jp/6247/21234
#UkraineWar #Ukraine #Ukrainian #Україна
Безкоштовне кафе у Харкові: місцева влада передала японському волонтеру обладнання та продукти
「重要な戦い、間もなく開始」 | 国際 | 全国海外 | 神戸新聞NEXT https://www.kobe-np.co.jp/news/zenkoku/compact/202305/0016304043.shtml @kobeshinbunより
#UkraineWar #Ukraine #Ukrainian #Україна
#genocide #Russia #Russian #Россия #ウクライナ
RT @UKYoshiOk
今日は福岡のKBCシアターで 女優の #汐月しゅう さんと映画「#プーチンより愛を込めて」のアフタートーク。原題「プーチンの証人」ですが邦題は007風なので、汐月さんにお願いしオマージュの一枚。なお、マンスキー監督はロシア政府から指名手配、僕はロシア入国禁止です。#いま観るべき映画
RT @UKYoshiOk
大学倶楽部・神戸学院大:「創造的復興」の理念を掲げた兵庫県主催ウクライナ支援検討会で経済学部の岡部芳彦教授が座長に | 毎日新聞 https://mainichi.jp/univ/articles/20230427/org/00m/100/011000c
RT @UAarmy_animals
She is looking for people under the rubble in the destroyed house after the Russian shelling!
God save Ukraine!
RT @censor_net
У Козачій бухті в Севастополі горить резервуар з паливом. Окупанти заявили про влучання безпілотника. ВІДЕО+ФОТОрепортаж
RT @FedorovMykhailo
Signed Memo of Cooperation with 🇯🇵@digital_jpn. Will exchange digital expertise in cybersec, telecom & e-gov. Big start of great digital story between Ukraine and Japan. History in the making with @konotarogomame. https://twitter.com/konotarogomame/status/1651184478440796161
I'm new to Mastodon and still don't understand it well, but thank you for your help ☺