I can’t wait for #FensterFreitag or #Caturday. This happened today and I have to share. Aren’t they cute? #cats #birdwatching
Twitterはいよいよ限界?もう引っ越ししかない?2023年のSNSとの付き合い方を考える| FINDERS|あなたのシゴトに、新たな視点を。 - https://finders.me/articles.php?id=3503
予備知識もなく見に行った映画『呪術廻戦0』で衝撃を受け、原作を19巻まで一気読み。一時期は会社から帰ると毎日読み返していました。こんなに漫画にハマったのは何時ぶり!? #読書
Twitter users report global outage with many unable to log into website or app - The technical failure comes after mass layoffs at the tech firm following its takeover by Elon MuskTwitter users have reported a massive global outage with many unable to access the website and its features.According to Downdetected.com, which tracks site... #twitter #theguardian