@liaizon currently no.

because many (japanese/english) text is writed directly in source code, so i must first separate text from source code.

also, i don't know much about best practices of internalization/localization for iOS apps, so i need time to learn about them.

ah I see! thank you for this response... Since the project is open source how would you feel about an iOS developer whos more familiar with internationalization working on the project? I could ask folks who work on them if they might want to help.


@liaizon hmm, but the core of problem is that main developer (its me) is a native japanese speaker (and writing english is not good), so if you call someone familiar with iOS apps development, i think it will not help much.

p.s. this mastodon account is for backup, so sending to @rinsuki@mstdn.rinsuki.net will be faster to notice.

