
Describing what it feels like to be on drugs using only baba is you word blocks

I can't ever finish watching pirated movies because I always get distracted halfway through having parody sex with my fair use wife.

I looked at wantingtofuckyouisland with a telescope and I didn't find anyone

ah geez its too bright in here *I slowly shrink until I can't be seen and never come back*

Haha, we're popping the biggest bottles!
The champagne cork flies away, but we didn't think we'd get this far. The bubbly puddle expands past the circle we stand in and no one ones what to do. We never did figure that one out. Maybe one day we'll see each other again.

Girl, your penis is ringing. Answer it or put it on silent

@abraxas one time at college i saw the janitor take out the trash in one of those boxes that had 3 separate openings for glass, aluminum, and other trash or whatever, and it was all connected in one liner. Not like the janitor just mixed them all together, but like the 3 labeled openings all went into a single box.

Maybe with a steady job at the sex factory Tetsuya Yamagami would not have minded his mother giving away all of her fortune to the unification church, sparing abe's life. He had a vision of his death, but could not prevent it.

@abraxas Damn I just thought about the time period and i guess the type to write about that would have been dying of aids

Zizek could at any moment speak without an accent but he chooses not to because he is a silly little guy and its his birthday

