MoonyHart さんがブースト

Due 23.1 for macOS is now available. This update brings two changes.

First, the 12 Quick Access Times buttons are now mapped to the following keys:

1, 2, 3, 4
Q, W, E, R
A, S, D, F

and they adapt to your keyboard layout accordingly.

Second, there is an under-the-hood change which prepares Due Mac to handle an upcoming database change that enables selective critical alerts on iOS devices.

@nomacnolife@mstdn.jp うちはM1だけどMac Miniいいよねー



MoonyHart さんがブースト

Right now new posts are pulled at specific time intervals. You can manually pull to refresh after your post has officially been posted for now. We can look into doing a check after your post is successful as well.

@ivory Hi! Thanks for building Ivory! I already love the look and feel of it :)

One question. New post isn’t shown on the timeline immediately although I see a notification banner. Do you plan to show the latest post immediately after posting?





MoonyHart さんがブースト

Due 23.2 for iOS is now available on the App Store. This should fix the unintended loss of access to features and prevent similar incidents in future: dueapp.com/download/

I’m still working on an update for Mac.

Sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused all of you. 🙇🏻‍♂️

MoonyHart さんがブースト

There appears to be some bug that is causing the receipt validation to fail. This is causing features previously unlocked to become locked. I’m investigating this for a fix as we speak. Sorry about that!

寒いのに洗車沼... 冬納車はいかん

MoonyHart さんがブースト

I wasn’t expecting most of you to have your phone on silent most of the time. I’ve been working on selective critical alerts, and I think you’re going to find it really useful for the times when you can’t afford to miss a reminder!

indieapps.space/@due/109778053 [参照]


MoonyHart さんがブースト
MoonyHart さんがブースト



