MoonyHart さんがブースト

Ice Cubesしばらく見なかったら色々変わってるね

ようやくiPhone受け取れたー! 最近iPhone買ってなかったけど、ダンボールの入り方が小さいMacBook (Pro)だな。

VS Codeの "⌘=" でZoomするとUI全部がズームして使いづらかったから、Keyboard Shortcutsの設定変えてみた。これ予想以上に快適だわ。

View: Zoom In -> ⇧⌘= # 元からあった
View: Zoom Out -> ⇧⌘- # 元からあった
View: Reset Zoom -> ⇧⌘0

Editor Font Zoom In -> ⌘=
Editor Font Zoom Out -> ⌘-
Editor Font Zoom Reset -> ⌘0

久しぶりの1日フル出社。今は暑いけどface to faceで話せるの楽しい^^



MoonyHart さんがブースト

Ivory for iOS v1.2 is now out on the App Store!

- Support for “Hide with a Warning” for Mutes and Filters
- Followed Hashtags now have a badge when they appear in your Home Timeline.
- More Accessibility improvements.
- Tap/hit area for “Read More” button in the timeline is now larger.
- Various other bug fixes.

The ability to read alt/description text on an image is coming next.

MoonyHart さんがブースト

Now, you can selectively enable critical alerts for the reminders you can’t afford to miss.

Selective critical alerts is now available in Due 23.3:

ChromeのTab Groupの便利さに今更気づいた。すご


Ivory v1.1に上げてみた。

MoonyHart さんがブースト

Ivory v1.1 is now out on the App Store!

Release Notes:
- Edit Posts
- Report Users and Posts
- Support for Mastodon server language translation services (if your server has them).

MoonyHart さんがブースト

Due 23.1 for macOS is now available. This update brings two changes.

First, the 12 Quick Access Times buttons are now mapped to the following keys:

1, 2, 3, 4
Q, W, E, R
A, S, D, F

and they adapt to your keyboard layout accordingly.

Second, there is an under-the-hood change which prepares Due Mac to handle an upcoming database change that enables selective critical alerts on iOS devices.

