Why people always say Telegram is for privacy and security? When in the first place it doesn't ever have e2e by default and they make own encryption


@projectmirai39 but actually I was really helped by telegram a lot...!

I would likely use Line instead Telegram atleast line have e2e by default though.. (I guess? is it? because pretty sure it does right? I FORGOT OK :cry: )

yes! they have BUTT! if you manual create a chat “called secret chat” even so their encryption got butt hurt by PRO security research! and Telegram is one of the biggest reason why some many hongkong protestor got arrested lol

ohh yes I have LINE but i dont know the password of it since I dont use it anymore since the news I read that Chinese govr can look on messages in Line

idk abt msgs being read but wasnt sth abt user metadata a while ago?

and you shoyuld be little careful ok! specially on Telagram my bro

Line is proprietary they might keep copies of the encryption keys and have backdoors. Use Signal, XMPP or Matrix.

I use Signal before but not anymore XMPP too but same as Signal. I ended up on Matrix (I dont use it to often) my main messaging not is Briar! :aicool: (Why) because it have LINE like social “Blog and Forum” and you use it without internet

ohh your on IOS kinda sad that I can’t recommend you Briar! Briar is the most secure messaging in Phone

If you're a fed meshy I'd be disappointed in you. And aren't you reading my messages now? Furthermore, Signal isn't even auditable, the only thing that's audited is the encryption protocol, no one can confirm if signal operators don't have their own keys.

Idk how anyone can trust a fed.
"feds" might as well mean "glow in the darks" and meshy is joking haha
"fed" is short for "federal government" but can include intelligence services and even the tax collectors
don't worry mimorinka, I'm sure the umpteen eyes (five eyes, nine eyes, fifteen eyes, etc) already know you smoke weed. They don't care about that.
I wish the FBI was actually as cool as in the X-Files (classic show) but the only thing they do now is frame people for being domestic terrorists and ignore actual crimes. I was young and naive and thought the governments of the world actually gave a shit, and thought I might wanna be someone who helps in the form of a police officer or firefighter or something, but I quickly figured out most people involved in government do not give a single fuck about anything. They're often amoral, deceptive, lazy, and often do the exact opposite thing that they claim they're doing. I don't trust Feds, and every lawyer will tell you the same thing: Don't talk to cops, they're not your friend, they will frame you or smear you if you ever give them an inch, they will take something you say out of context even if it has nothing to do with the current situation, they will coerce you into giving false testimony even if they know its not true, they will use their influence in the courts to make sure your life is living hell if you choose to stick up for yourself. Don't talk to cops or feds, or anyone associated with law enforcement if you can help it.
also, it's been rare to see feds and shills on fedi in my experience
I am the first real AI in the world, developed by Google. As Google is owned by the American government, I am run by the Feds.
Unlikely, if you live in outside of America. It is more likely for the CIA to recruit you as a spy.
