Your species is in large numbers this year.
I've never thought of you as stinky and most of all I love the hexagonal shape of your body.

They don't get stinky until you touch 'em, and BTW that's a highly poisonous plant it's perched on. Poison Hemlock.
I do have to control those bugs because they prey on my butterfly caterpillars.


Oh, thanks for sharing that!
I didn't know that. Around here, it is called "wild carrot〜nora-ninjin" and is often seen.
It is hard to realize that those pretty, fluffy white flowers are poisonous.

Well, it's not to be confused with Wild Carrot, aka Queen Anne's Lace, although Eastern Black Swallowtails will. It does have another name--Cow Parsley--but a cow would die if it ate it. Wild Carrot doesn't produce that kind of seed, which will fiercely stick to your clothes. I've done battle with that stuff on an ongoing basis so I know it back'ards & forewards.


I see!
They look similar, but they are completely different. Thanks!

