Yellow flowers, right? I know then as the mock strawberry. They are naturalized in the Netherlands. They look pretty but the fruit is tasteless.

I recently saw a picture illustrating wild strawberries with this and was quite offended. True strawberry species are a lot more tasty!


Surely these strawberries are tasteless and not a tasty fruit for humans,right?
But why were you offended by that illustration of this wild berry? 🤔
I believe that whatever subject matter is depicted in a painting or illustration is free to do so.

Because while it's an illustration of a wild berry, it isn't a great illustration of a wild *strawberry* as was claimed.

It would be like illustrating a tomato with a picture of a potato plant. They are related, yes, and potatoes even grow tomato-like berries, but potatoes still aren't a good example of a tomato.

Of course what counts as a real strawberry is a matter of subjectivity, but "yellow flowers and tasteless" is rather distant from the archetypical strawberry.

Or in other words if someone sold a container of these to you as strawberries and you complained I wouldn't go "why u mad"?


I get it!
Your perspective on things is interesting.

Let's assume that on the table is a ''typical delicious looking strawberry''.
Those are red, perfectly shaped strawberries.
Many people sat around the table and drew pictures of that.
Some painted the strawberries realistically, some painted them abstractly, and one child drew one large circle with a black crayon.

Various drawings were completed!
This means you are free to evaluate which drawings you like or dislike.
But, No need to discriminate ''good or bad'' right?

I realize the context matters. This was an actual photograph of mock strawberries used as an illustration of "wild strawberries" in a display about wild plants.

In an art exhibition it's different. Interestingly an old Dutch master did a bowl of strawberries but it was painted before our garden strawberry hybrid existed, so I think this is Fragaria moschata, a smaller different species of strawberry, different taste, also delicious.

