Melatonin worked (some)
#GoodMorning #Bonjour
30 min after I turned off the screen, I was asleep, because I had a 20 hr day, still had interrupted sleep, up three times but drifted back to sleep. Not much longer than normal, but my ADHD didn't force me out of bed when my eyes opened, so I was able to spend another hour in bed resting and talking to the cats šŸ¤£

thanks, I ran into an old friend yesterday and I was half way through a reply to someone and saw that I hadn't finished it until bedtime. Lol. I often forget Social Media in the nicer weather. We finally have some leaves and flowers appearing but it's still pretty cold into May



Hi, Rasta!
Even if your reply is late, it does not matter. I am glad that you remember and message me the next day.
It sounds like you had a great time with your friend.
Wishing you a happy weekend as well!
This area also has a big temperature difference between hot and cold days in May. šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤ššŸŒžšŸŒš

