This reminds me a little of the nominally edible Monstera deliciosa fruit. Cool looking!


Wow I see!
In Japan, this plant is boiled and eaten.
I don't think young people eat it, but if you boil it after removing the lye, it tastes bittersweet and spring. It tastes good if you season this with soy sauce. 😊

I'd love to try it. But, I feel like almost everything tastes good with a bit of soy sauce.

Have you ever thought about fermenting your own? I'm pretty fascinated by the idea, although it takes a LONG TIME. But, maybe fun?


No, I have never made my own soy sauce from soybeans.
Perhaps that would be difficult. (Because the fermentation and brewing process is quite complicated.)
I have made 'miso' from soybeans several times.
The process of making this too is difficult, but there are other people besides me who make miso at home.
I enjoyed the process of making it because it makes a better tasting miso than the ones on the market.

It was something we *must* do in the springtime! We had it with vinegar miso (酢味噌)though. The last time I had it must be... three decades ago? Crazy that I still remember the flavor.

