Day 1

I’ve been invited by to share one image (no posters, no titles, no explanations) from 10 films that impacted me.

The premise is that every day a new person will be added: 10 days, 10 movie images, 10 friends.

I'll tag (feel free to ignore if not interested or already tagged)


Peter Sellers was such an incredible actor, wasn't he?


@mina @pmj @HistoPol

I didn't know Peter Sellers, but he is very stylish and nice. 😊❤️

Thank you all for joining me in this game!
And nice to meet you.

In the film "Doctor Strangelove and …" (1964), Peter Seller plays three roles: A British officer at a US military base, trying to avoid the third world war, the US president and Dr. Strangelove, the scientific Adviser to the president.

In the short video below (1m50s - I added subtitles) we see the outline of what "longtermists" like Elon Musk mean, when they talk about "taking humanity into space" and "preserve the human species".

Schon bei der kurzen Sequenz, ist man überrascht und schockiert…
Reden die damals von Computern und wie was sein könnte oder sollte.

Ich habe den nicht gesehen oder es ist zu lange her, kenne ihn aber.
Muss aber echt mal kucken.

@mina @HistoPol @pmj @si_irini

Thank you,Mina! 🎥✨
His charisma is so intense and fascinating!
I wonder if this is a digitally remastered version? It is wonderful to see an old movie in a very beautiful image!! 🫶

Actually, I don't think so.

The movie was filmed in 35mm film, so unless the material deteriorated, it is as crisp as it gets.

The clip was taken from a DVD from the early 2000s.

All the times I’ve seen Dr Strangelove and I never noticed Peter Sellers played the President.

I am so bad at stuff like this, that I had to watch Buñuel's "Obscure Object of Desire" twice to notice that the female protagonist was actually played by two different actresses.

I love that movie. I also loved a very similar movie, Failsafe (Henry Fonda as the US President), which was released around the same. I had heard -- and I don't know how true this is -- that both movies were in post-production at the same time when each discovered that the other was being made. They came to an agreement, therefore, that Dr. Strangelove and ... would be released first for fear that audiences would think it was an intentional parody of Failsafe, when they were made independently of each other.

That's an interesting story. I'm definitely gonna dig into that story.

down to almost every detail - including the ratio of sexes (naturally they'd keep the ratio in leadership roles at the current proportions rather than adjusting for available population in any way 😒)

I've always wondered who Musk reminds me of. Guess it's time to rewatch that movie.

And I have to watch that movie!
Maybe Elmo watched it too and than dreamed of his future….for us…all…

But unlike the rest of us, he didn't see it as a totally dystopian future.

Oh yes you are right!

There were a lot of things that I was listening or watching and I thought, oh no that is never going to happen…
But now I am older and I saw too much bad things and I know now a lot of things can actually happen!

You two are 100% correct.
#Elmo and the other tech mogul #SciFi nerds from their high-school and college day are actually trying to realize part of these novels within their framework of beliefs, e.g. #Longtermism.
(If you listen to the two #TESCREAL interviews/podcasts in my TL, it becomes clear.)

Hey! Some of us (then) teenage SciFi nerds read and watched the same stuff, but reached entirely different conclusions! Not all of us thought they were blue prints to follow. The various Torment Nexii (Nexusus?) were dystopias.

Same with me.
There are a lot of dystopias but there are things that are real now, computers for example, who could possibly believe that?

These guys see things for the future, that we don’t.
For good or worse…
I saw an interview with Gates, an old interview and he was talking about smartphones, decades before we saw the first smartphone.

star trek next generation introduced tablets and voice command & response (basically alexa, google assistant or siri) in 1987
holodecks and food replicators are still missing

Yes no Holodecks and replicators…
But I think there are a lot things that we saw in many movies that we are not going to see.
Persons in tech etc, see that things different, they know what could work and what is not going to be possible the next decades.

The thing is: Tech bosses have often lost touch with reality and take a lot of dumb decisions and make a lot of claims based on idiotic ideas.

Blockchain! 😱
Metaverse! 😱 (though, this will eventually come, just not now)
Full self-driving cars 😱 (yeah, Elon claimed years ago, buying a car that wasn't a Tesla was as anachronistic as buying a horse, because they were ready to roll it out in 2019)
Hyperloop! 😱
Flying taxis! 😱

We all loved the tablets in "Next Generation", right!?
Modern tablets and phones are actually better than what we saw there.

Though, current voice assistants are still incredibly dumb, compared to Star Trek technology, except when it comes to spying on you or selling you stuff.

Predicting smartphones wasn't too prophetic on Gates' part.

The interview was probably from the early 90s.

Computers have been invented in the late 40s, as have been mobile phones (at this time: car phones).

Miniaturization was the thing in the 70s. The late 70s already saw the rise of connecting computers with each other.

Yes you are right, I know, for Gates it wasn’t, it was for the rest of us…
and here is the point that they cannot predict the future,
They work in tech, They can see that visions better.
You could ask a simple technician what he could see, in his industry, he will tell you a lot that we cannot believe.


Yes, very true. For me, they were sort of like a "Second Life", a fictitious "alternate reality" of what could have been or might be if...but nothing that would materialize in my life time, maybe apart from a lunar base.

Never have I been so wrong in an overall assessment:

Where I erred, in particular, was the rise of #DarkTriad* billionaires like Elmo and...

*Very insightful article in #TheAtlantic yesterday



...#PeterThiel, who's seemingly plowing ahead to realizing #PhilipKDick's #SecondVariety, despite, IMO, belonging to the TESCREAL sects.

I should have thought more of the US' Robber Barrons of Industry of the Roaring Twenties and earlier.
It was all there.


What today's capitalism on steroids looks like, is pretty accurately described in the 1952(!) novel (series) "Space Merchants" by F. Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth.

They also predicted very accurately (in the 50s and 60s) the current #enshittification of technology in several short stories, and in the "March of the Morons" the dumbing down of modern civilization.

I guess our tech billionaires have read „march of the morons“ too.
I think, they think we are all morons and totally dumb.

But I have to read it first to say something, i just react on the title.

Didn't Frederick Pohl write 'ManPlus', the idea behind Robocop and Terminator in terms of cybernetics

It is one of the great pulp novels of the mid-twentieth century. I go back to it often.

He's the kind of person that would absolutely see Dr. Strangelove as a role model.

that's right
makes me itchy to ask him stupidly about it

Oh please please tell me was your role model Dr. Strangelove?
All the followers will scream and write a stupid comment about it😂
Everyone will watch the movie and, depending on how his answer turns out, proudly defend him, so that the world will turn right again and no one will ask him stupid questions

But he would never answer even if it would be terribly funny to read all the fan comments 😂

Another line from the film often comes to mind for me often in recent years:

George C. Scott was so underrated in that film with all due respect and admiration to Peter Sellers. They were both great actors.

Even though I know that movie in and out (and love it), this short clip really made my evening. Thank you!

Yes, this is exactly what those "longtermists" want. My argument usually is: "It is not about earth or environment, because neither earth nor the environment gives a damn about us. Earth will recover as it always did, and the environment will keep changing. It is about our own survival. And if we're not interested in investing in our survival, we can as well just kill ourselves now!"

Musk is more like a combination of Milo Minderbinder and Aarfy in Catch 22.

Sorry, I have no idea, what you're talking about.

Will have to look that up first.

It is THE classic anti-war novel. Superbly brilliant and painfully funny. The movie with Alan Arkin as Yossarian and Orson Wells as General Dweedle was ok, but not nearly as good as the book.

