1. painted in oils | 油絵を描いた
2. had a nice chat with my classmates | 絵画教室でたのしく雑談
3. love peaches! yum!! | 桃最高〜
1. did something i have to do | やらなきゃいけないことをやった
2. an avocado hamburger for lunch! Yum!! | アボカドバーガーうまい🥑🍔
3. took care of my garden | お庭のお手入れ🌱
1. had a health check | 健康診断受けた🏥
2. got a potted flower from my neighbor | ご近所さんからお花をいただいた🌼
3. curry & rice was great!! | カレー曜日!🍛
have a good weekend!!🙌
1. cleaned up the bathroom | お風呂掃除がんばった🧼
2. somen noodle for lunch was good | そうめんおいしかった
3. took a grasshopper to a new all-you-can-eat buffet | おんぶバッタを食べ放題へご案内🙌
1. cleaned a toilet | トイレ掃除した🚽
2. tried to do Tai Chi, watching on YouTube | YouTube見ながら太極拳をやってみた💪
3. watered my plants | 今日も水やり🌱🚿
1. a beautiful sunny day | いいお天気☀️
2. love vanilla ice cream!! | バニラアイス最高〜🍨
3. watered my plants, said hello to frogs | 水やり🚿とカエルたちに挨拶🐸
1. caught a bus | バス間に合った🚌
2. had a siesta | お昼寝
3. tomato & basil! super simple, super good! | トマトとバジルだけでうまい🍅🌿
1. did some stretching | ストレッチ🙆
2. took a walk | お散歩
3. watched a lot of cats on FFRC live stream | ねこちゃん配信かわいい🐈
1. rain blessed plants | めぐみの雨☔️
2. drove safely | 安全運転🔰
3. yummy cream puff | シュークリームうまい
1. FIVE frogs in my garden | カエルが5匹に増えた
2. saw an eye doctor | 眼科にいった
3. had curry and rice for dinner | 今夜はカレーよ!
1. three frogs in my garden | 3匹のカエル🐸🐸🐸
2. planted my silk tree in a pot | 花瓶のエバーフレッシュを鉢植えに🪴
3. saw a cat | 猫ちゃんみた🐈
1. cleaned up my table | テーブルのお掃除
2. did some stretching | ストレッチ
3. good vegetable soup | 野菜スープおいしい