🆕 Pandoc 3.1.2 is out! It comes with:
- a #Typst writer,
- support for Typst as a PDF engine,
- a Lua REPL, also adding ways to debug Lua filters interactively, and
- native builds for Apple silicon.
Of course the release also features many other bigger and smaller improvements; the changelog lists them all. 🎉
Pandoc 3.1.2 出た。日本語でMarkdown→(lualatex)→PDFのとき、下線や打ち消し線がうまくできなかった(soul.sty だった)のが、lua-ul.sty 使うようにしてもらったので、一発でできるようになった。
QT: https://fosstodon.org/@pandoc/110099232602068062 [参照]