literally さんがブースト

Congressman Paul Gosar tweets a link to a column written by a white supremacist. 

Last night, Congressman Paul Gosar tweeted a link to a column written by Kevin DeAnna, a white supremacist who uses the pen names "Gregory Hood" and "James Kirkpatrick." The column calls for "pro-white candidates" to openly embrace racist positions in future elections. The column originally appeared on American Renaissance, a website that promotes eugenics and claims Black people are genetically inferior to whites.

literally さんがブースト

More about Paul Gosar's tweet, including a mention of child sexual abuse. 

The version of the column Gosar linked to appeared on Prescott eNews, an Arizona website run David Stringer, a Republican who resigned from the state legislature in 2019 after revelations that he'd been convicted of child sex crimes decades earlier. Stringer came under fire for racist comments he'd made about Black people and racial diversity. For more on Stringer, see this article: phoenixnewtimes.com/news/david

literally さんがブースト

I’d been away from here for a few days. And the increased energy, critical mass is palpable

literally さんがブースト
Fast and easy cranberry orange relish❤️✨ 感謝祭のテーブルに速い!ウマい! クランベリーオレンジレリッシュ、そんなに甘くなくておススメです! クランベリーは一旦凍らせるのです❤️✨ #おうちごはん #food #gochisou_photo #Thank...
literally さんがブースト

Hello, hola, 你好~
I'm jacenba (Jacinto Báez), a PhD student in #Taiwan. My main interest lately has been advancing my research on the #Kawaii #可愛 phenomenon in Taiwan from a spatial+institutional perspective. Take a look at my project, taike_ai, on Instagram!


literally さんがブースト
Finally added the Auto-Translation option. I think it is working well. やっと機械翻訳の機能を有効してみました。なかなかいい感じだと思います。 #fediverse #English #日本語 An image show...
