kalloway さんがブースト

aaaah 🎉🥹 the Palestinian Relief Bundle just made
🤯 Half A Million 💰
for the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!!!
this is huge! there’s still time left to grab it & help it make even more for the charity. 🕊️🇵🇸
👉 itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-rel

"You want to interview me about my profession?" Winny asked the little girl at the door.

The girl nodded. "School assignment. Please?"

Winny cackled. She was happy to talk about her craft, after all, and she invited the little girl in.

The questions were simple, and the little girl wrote as quickly as she could in spidery pencil.

"Why did you become a witch?"

"Because I wanted to cackle when I laughed, not snort," Winny said. "That and I have strong magic."

"Oh!" The little girl grinned. "I snort when I laugh..."

"Well how's your magic?"

kalloway さんがブースト

Across its 175-pages, this beautiful hardcover Art Book covers the amazing works of the Korean artist Kim Hyung-Tae.

You may recognize some of these #VideoGames:

🔸MagnaCarta: The Phantom of Avalanche
🔹The War of Genesis III
🔸The War of Genesis III - Part 2

kalloway さんがブースト

This is unprecedented. Brown University strikes a deal with its students to end their peaceful protest & encampment, in exchange for a formal divestment vote from Israeli interests. And no student will be punished for protesting. This is democracy at work.

kalloway さんがブースト

Heat Death of the Internet. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this only-slightly-exaggerated description of what life on the internet is like in early-mid-2024. takahe.org.nz/heat-death-of-th

kalloway さんがブースト

The Death and Rebirth of RahXephon: Adam Wescott revisits 2001 anime series RahXephon, starting with its early portrayals in media as an "Eva Clone," before building into an analysis of the work and its themes that have made the series a standout work, which helped push mecha forward as a genre.

Link: animeherald.com/2023/12/16/the

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

Wings of Hope: A Lunar: Silver Star Story Retrospective: L.B. Bryant examines the classic role-playing game Lunar: The Silver Star, and its use of sound and visuals to present a distinctly "anime-like" experience that was novel and unexplored at the time of its release, and remains influential today.

Link: animeherald.com/2019/11/07/win

#gaming #retrogaming #rpg

kalloway さんがブースト

an instrument made out of feathers and rotary telephone dials

kalloway さんがブースト

• An Oxford comma walks into a bar where it spends the evening watching the television, getting drunk, and smoking cigars.

• A dangling participle walks into a bar. Enjoying a cocktail and chatting with the bartender, the evening passes pleasantly.

• A bar was walked into by the passive voice.

• An oxymoron walked into a bar, and the silence was deafening.

• Two quotation marks walk into a “bar.”

• A malapropism walks into a bar, looking for all intensive purposes like a wolf in cheap clothing, muttering epitaphs and casting dispersions on his magnificent other, who takes him for granite.

• Hyperbole totally rips into this insane bar and absolutely destroys everything.

• A question mark walks into a bar?

• A non sequitur walks into a bar. In a strong wind, even turkeys can fly.

• Papyrus and Comic Sans walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Get out -- we don't serve your type."

• A mixed metaphor walks into a bar, seeing the handwriting on the wall but hoping to nip it in the bud.

• A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.

• Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They converse. They depart.

• A synonym strolls into a tavern.

• At the end of the day, a cliché walks into a bar -- fresh as a daisy, cute as a button, and sharp as a tack.

• A run-on sentence walks into a bar it starts flirting. With a cute little sentence fragment.

• Falling slowly, softly falling, the chiasmus collapses to the bar floor.

• A figure of speech literally walks into a bar and ends up getting figuratively hammered.

• An allusion walks into a bar, despite the fact that alcohol is its Achilles heel.

• The subjunctive would have walked into a bar, had it only known.

• A misplaced modifier walks into a bar owned a man with a glass eye named Ralph.

• The past, present, and future walked into a bar. It was tense.

• A dyslexic walks into a bra.

• A verb walks into a bar, sees a beautiful noun, and suggests they conjugate. The noun declines.

• A simile walks into a bar, as parched as a desert.

• A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to forget.

• A hyphenated word and a non-hyphenated word walk into a bar and the bartender nearly chokes on the irony.

"The swarm is coming, the swarm is coming!" Nasi cried as he ran down the main street toward the town lord's mansion.

People quickly closed their windows and then rushed out to the street to make sure everything was ready. Shops shooed out their customers and locked up.

If Nasi said it was time, it was time.

Behind the town lord's mansion, fields of flowers were in full bloom, grown specially every year.

And every year Nasi waited to spot the great clouds of butterflies heading toward the town to make sure everyone could fully enjoy them.

"We found it!"

Garrett looked from the shallow stream that ran crystal clear through the deepest part of the old forest to his horse, Tari, and smiled wide.

"We really found it!"

Tari didn't seem quite as excited, but Garrett didn't mind. They'd been searching for the stream for years and finally, it was in front of them.

Quickly, Garrett grabbed for a pack, one that was filled with empty vials and quickly he filled them.

And only then did he look again at Tari and then at the stream.

"Well, we found it. We should also make sure it works."

kalloway さんがブースト

✨ From Jenny and the Cat Club, written and illustrated by Esther Averill. 1958.

kalloway さんがブースト

From Verso Books:

"In Solidarity with the Students.
We stand with the campus protesters. Download these free ebooks on Palestine, mass protests, and student rebellions."


#books #Palestine #protest

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

Trying to resist the temptation to say “I’m behind on everything” because it implies there was a chance I could have completed the work in the time available.

And I couldn’t have.

The work is the work and it’ll get done when it gets done. Putting a bunch of pressure on myself to do the impossible isn’t helpful.

kalloway さんがブースト

From Jenny and the Cat Club, written and illustrated by Esther Averill. 1958.

