kalloway さんがブースト

A beautifully sculpted Celtic Cross, with an Art Nouveau feel to it, on the grave of Alexander McCutcheon, a former treasurer for the City of Glasgow who died in 1914 and who is buried in the city's Necropolis.

#glasgow #necropolis #celticcross #artnouveau #gravestone #cemetery

kalloway さんがブースト

Someone taught a raccoon how to finger paint and look how proud this little guy is.


kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

Reading this is nuts. Google changed its algorithm and websites are on the brink of death. This is what gatekeeping is doing.

Hate to see it, as Retro Dodo is one of my favorite websites. I read their articles almost every day. I got their book and backed/preordered the upcoming two which might never be released now.

If you are into Retrogaming or are interested in modern handhelds, consider bookmarking their website and supporting them.

#gaming #retrogaming #retrododo

kalloway さんがブースト

You know, daily, I see a lot of you friends talking about vocaloids and Hatsune Miku and everything, and that's fine. I don't mind. It's good to have favourites. But you're all wrong.

kalloway さんがブースト

Do you think an average #Mastodon user with a couple hundred followers could post a silly #poll to the #Fediverse, and get a million or more votes in 7 days?

Please boost to widen the sample. ;-)


kalloway さんがブースト

My favorite Ren Faire story:

I knew a guy who kept a Starfleet insignia pinned to the inside of his garb. A few times per season, some folks would come to the Faire cosplaying as a Star Trek landing party, investigating a “primitive” world.

He would take them aside, show his insignia, and identify himself as a Starfleet officer on a cultural research mission. He’d call them out for breaking the Prime Directive and ruining his research. Then he’d demand to know what ship they’re from, and threaten to get them court martialed if they didn’t change into something less conspicuous.

kalloway さんがブースト

I have finished and put up a new shimenawa for our beloved sakura tree. It's a tree grown from cuttings of trees gifted to the Town of Amherst by the nation of Japan in honor of William Clark. I'm looking forward to the blossoms in the coming weeks…

kalloway さんがブースト

For Transgender Day of Visibility, I invite you to read *Revin's Heart*, my steampunky fantasy adventure with pirates and airships and a #trans protagonist. It's really just an adventure story about a young man who happens to be trans. It's my debut work and I'm very proud of it. It was serialized as novelettes, but the collected edition is available now as well which includes several "side quests" one being the story of Revin's transition. waterdragonpublishing.com/prod #tdov #tdov2024

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

Raise your hand if you ever made a paper snake out of tear-off tractor-feed margins.

kalloway さんがブースト

If you’re finding it hard to believe that container ship could take out a bridge in only a few seconds, this size comparison should help.

kalloway さんがブースト

Shutdown reminder!

With just 2 weeks left until the Nintendo Network shutdown, we'd like to take this time to remind everyone that we are accepting network packet dumps for all games, for both the Wii U and 3DS! These packet dumps give us a glimpse into how the games operated when the official servers were still online. While technically possible to do without these dumps, having reference material like this will make the job of making replacement servers FAR easier once these servers go offline!

This is ESPECIALLY true for more obscure/less popular games, and games which have custom additions to them. Having network dumps for smaller games is just as, if not more, important than the bigger ones as we'd likely have much less reference material for them! We know everyone is excited to help get the big names going, but we can't forget the little guys either!

That being said, we appreciate ALL users who help us with this crowd sourcing! We have gotten a LOT of amazing data from everyone so far, all of which will definitely help us moving forward.

For those interested in contributing network packet dumps, see our guide on our website here pretendo.network/docs/network-. This page also includes a section listing some games we consider "high priority", though these are NOT the only games we still need data for.

For those curious about our current network dump stats, so far we have:

  • 99 HokakuCafe dumps (specifically Wii U)
  • 528 HokakuCTR dumps (specifically 3DS)
  • 15 general WireShark dumps (applies to both consoles)
  • 65 general proxy dumps (applies to both consoles)

NOTE: These numbers come from the number of network packet dumps submitted through the Bandwidth upload command, and may not represent the real total number of dumps submitted.

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

Looking Back at Anime-Zine with Robert Fenelon - Red Bard talks with founding fan and head of early anime magazine Anime-Zine about his experiences in fandom, his work in the anime community, and more.

Link: animeherald.com/interview/look

#history #anime #manga #fandom

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

Serebii Reminder: The online features for Nintendo 3DS games will be terminated at 00:00 UTC on April 9th.

This includes online battles, trading and more for Pokémon X, Y, ORAS, SM & USUM.

Pokémon Bank will run for the forseeable future & local play will still function after this date

kalloway さんがブースト

A horse typically gallops at a speed of about 25 to 30 miles per hour.
That is a 6 on the Beaufort Scale for measuring wind speed.
Therefore urging your horse to "run like the wind" is only advantageous when the wind is at a 7 (near gale force) or higher.
Unless a small craft advisory is in effect, it will generally be better for your horse to run like a horse.

kalloway さんがブースト
