kalloway さんがブースト

Oathbreakers ("cursed")

Maybe not all of the swords branded oathbreaker owe their state to a literal broken oath, but the name sticks.

Whatever the cause -- oathbreaking, failing a sworn quest, abandoning cause or creed -- the result is the same: somewhere on the sword a tiny black barbed spiral appears, and the blade grows spiteful. Should its wielder, new or old, fall short in any way, the sword turns itself on them with the next strike, no matter how impossible.

#Swordtember #ttrpg #osr

kalloway さんがブースト

After an entire month of painting ghosts, it feels a little strange to be painting anything else...

Can we just start #AuGHOST again? We can call it
AuGHOST 2: It's Actually September, BOO!

...No? OK, enjoy your #Bloomscrolling instead. :blobfoxcomputer:
#MastoArt #Watercolor #Flowers #FlowerFriday #Florespondence

kalloway さんがブースト

Thornwrought ("fae")

The blades of faerieland are distinctive, whether gifted to mortals (or stolen, or discovered by same) or forged by mortal hands from round billets of "faerie silver", a disquietingly shimmering, translucent silver metal.

No matter its size, a thorn is as light in the hand as a dagger or dart. Its edge flares with silvery light if it strikes magic; wounds left by it fester, disgorging string and feathers and fishbones. Striking iron shatters it.

#Swordtember #ttrpg #osr

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

AuGhost is almost~ over ...

But #Swordtember is coming 83

I even made my own prompt list this time, because I'm feeling ambitious or something lol -- and made a nice image for the list for me <3

#Swordtember #prompt #writing #art #create #ttrpg

kalloway さんがブースト

the Ebon Seraph's Book ("magic")

It's the work of a dozen lives -- or an exemplar created by a cold hand under duress. Or neither.

The Ebon Seraph's Book -- though that title is not found on it -- is a tome of deepest black, both cover and pages, its delicate notations in bone-white and crimson and silver.

Boneservants? Vampire alchemy? Becoming a living ghost? Spells of blasphemy nestled next to purity? All here.

Just a drop of blood on the clasp, there you go ...

#AuGhost #ttrpg #osr

No. 31 - Magic

Wendi baked cookies said to be truly magical in every way. One bite made the day's weight drift away. Wendi never shared her recipe and if it was written down, no one ever found it. The men who live in her house now don't bake, but the scent of those cookies drifts out one window anyway. You really do feel better.

kalloway さんがブースト

No. 30 - Crackle

Gus loved the crackle of electricity and made it his life's work. He never took shortcuts with safety and did all he could to mentor his apprentices. The heart attack claimed him far too young, but he's often seen still supervising. Best to work safely.

kalloway さんがブースト

the Doves ("mirror")

There's a wandering hunter who answers to Dove. He's been around a long time, never aging.

Dove comes to the market square at evening-time with a brace of birds or other such, trades for small sundries. He'll help if you ask him. Quiet, not wild.

Except when his eyes burn bright and pale and he shies from the graveyard.

He'll still help. Bloodier help, then.

And say it's the other Dove who's too gentle for the work, and that was the end of him.

#AuGhost #ttrpg #osr

No. 29 - Mirror

Jerry can only be seen in the old parlor mirror, moving aimlessly about the room for as long as nobody is looking at him. He never looks at the mirror so you never see his face, though the faded picture on the wall suggests that he was quite handsome. You watch a little longer.

kalloway さんがブースト

"You planned this from the start, didn't you!"

Trey didn't answer. Of course not. Why would Trey do anything but smile that maddening smile, blade flickering like a wickedly razored ribbon between Jory and the courtyard arch.

Jory firmed up his grip on his own sword.

Why would he, when he clearly long planned to betray --

"You never meant a single word of --"

"An oath to a false king means nothing.
"I taught you better than that, Jory -!"

#MicroPrompt (oath) #microfiction

No. 28 - Drop

Matthew was naturally clumsy in virtually every way. He always had cuts and bruises and he seemed to need a new pair of glasses monthly. He once somehow dropped his keys down a grate on the side of the road. On quiet evenings you can see him still trying to fish them out.

kalloway さんがブースト

Peony ("witch")

"Why, certainly. You've come all this way, after all."

Peony's tiny cottage at the end of the twisting paths is no prime travel destination; so if someone is at his door, he pushes grey curls from his face and gets up to greet them.

And Peony has what they come for: philtre to speak with spirits? incense with afterlife visions in its smoke? Bone-knives?

Yes, yes. All of that, for a favour or a kiss.

But if malice is afoot, he knows; and taints his gift.

#AuGhost #ttrpg #osr

kalloway さんがブースト

No. 27 - Witch

Camille had a witch's garden and always seemed to know what a person needed even before they did, which was as delightful as it was suspect. She took in a boarder, a young woman who took in mending and tended the witch's garden. The boarder is old woman now; Camille still watches over her.

kalloway さんがブースト

Got tossed into big work hours this past week and maaaybe more on the way, but I still got #Dungeon23 sorted ~

kalloway さんがブースト

the Tiny Ones ("invisible")

Not every ghost and haunt and spectre brings great harm, or takes over one's body, or pines from a mirror's reflection.

Honestly, most of the dead have nowhere near such power, for good or for ill.

So they do what they can, the best way they can.

A shiver of coolness against hot skin.

A knife skitters concerningly across the table.

Candles flutter when they shouldn't, in answer to whispers of fear or hope.

Faint nudges from unseen souls.

#AuGhost #ttrpg #osr

No. 26 - Invisible

Michele was the kind of girl who blended into her surroundings, getting forgotten at shops and shows and that one school trip that nobody ever, ever talks about. So of course it wasn't a surprise that everyone thought she was somewhere else, when really she'd already departed. Except, of course, she's still standing there waiting.

kalloway さんがブースト
