
No. 16 - Camelot

Herbert dreamed of being a knight in shining armor, initially unaware that it was a fairly extinct profession. He then collected swords and hung a plate on his fence declaring his plot Camelot. You may see him dueling a long-gone straw dummy on foggy mornings.

kalloway さんがブースト

No. 15 - Crawl

Grant was the only survivor of the accident and crawled all the way to town. His explanation was a strange one, yet everyone believed it. On rainy afternoon, nobody looks towards the old lumber road. Seeing him once is enough.

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

So here's a little mini-lesson for you: what's the difference between "i.e." and "e.g."?

i.e. is an abbreviation for the Latin "id est" which means "that is". Best way to think of it is that "i.e. = in other words"

e.g. is another Latin abbreviation: "exempli gratia" which means "for example". Pretty self-explanatory, it's followed by examples of something

My mnemonic for remembering the difference:

"eg" sounds kind of like how you say "example"

i.e. starts with "i" and so does "in other words"

kalloway さんがブースト

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No. 14 - Build

Tristan could build or fix anything. His hands were quick, and his work immaculate. You've seen things he's fixed. They're still left on his worktable by the desperate who check back in the morning to see if he's visited. Sometimes, he has.

kalloway さんがブースト

No. 13 - Myth

Donnell had a book of myths and folktales and read it a hundred times before moving on to other books of myths and folktales. Wasteful, said his parents, who had hoped for a doctor or lawyer. Now Donnell has his own story and you see him by Donnell's Tree in the square.

kalloway さんがブースト

Red Ochre Hill ("myth")

Red Ochre Hill isn't a hill at all, they say.

True, it's covered in grass, topped with birches, and the like. But once, too long ago, it wasn't.

Dig into the Hill and come away with blood-red sticky ochre and clinging clay, oddly pearly, unearthly and warm.

Dig in the right places and find veins of crystal pebbles in shattered chalk.

Taste the latter and hear eternal whispers, but be healed --

The last a dead god, they say, can do for mortals.

#AuGhost #ttrpg #osr

No. 12 - Ditch

Stanley skipped class often, especially when the weather turned warm. He ditched detention and announced his plans to work in the mill, anyway. He's never left the mill, either, and a fresh weekly time-sheet always bears his name.

No. 11 - Turbulent

Kaye Leila lived a short, charmed life, according to anyone who knew her. Smart and pretty, she had married off to a rich friend of a friend of the family. The turbulent times were hidden well. Her ghost lingers, sobbing, beside a shallow creek.

No. 10 - Maze

Nichole loved games and puzzles and riddles and mazes. She loved to keep herself occupied in the bed she could barely ever leave. The room that was hers always feels strange. You know it's empty, yet you always want to stop in and say hello.

No. 9 - Sacrifice

Cliff (The First One) went out onto the ice to rescue his mother's dog, as if somehow the ice that wouldn't hold a dog would hold him. You might wonder why he did it, or how his mother reacted. Cliff sometimes appears on cold days, sinking beneath the water. His mother got another dog.

No. 8 - Gift

Gregg left behind a closet of wrapped gifts, which he often lingers in front of. They aren't in there now, but Gregg doesn't seem to know about the vacuum cleaner. Nor does he know the gifts were delivered, or the way their recipient sobbed in return.

No. 7 - Fall

Lillian once forgot a book and ran back to get it, paying attention to nothing except the story she desperately desired. Now, as the leaves turn colors, you may just see her running and running, never to reach her destination. Yet her story continues.

No. 6 - Summer

Shannon marks the hottest days with odd little chills and shivers in dark halls. Summer has nothing on Shannon or the dread when its their time. Shannon will touch your neck or your feet or sometimes whisper. You may start to like it.

No. 5 - Spring

James fell ill in the spring but died in the fall. At least that's what everyone was told. But he comes with the smell of spring's flowers and the fresh earth after snowmelt and the feelings of beginnings. You may begin to wonder if everyone was told wrong.

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト
