I crave gotchard fic but there is not much of it, and I have already read so much of the tag. Even the Chinese writers are not really showing up compared to other shows 😔 (Though I should see what might be available on lofter...)

This also is making me think about that mindset among some folks where 1000 fics is seen as "practically nothing"...

Do you know how much I would give for more of my fandoms to have at least 1000 fics? :blobcatmeltcry: While I have some fandoms with a lot of fic (Sailor Moon, Zelda, Pokemon) the fandoms I especially want to read for do not reach 1000.

Even OOO which is one of the most popular Rider shows only just reached 1000+ fics on Ao3 this month. Though the show is old enough that fic has been on multiple places: LJ, Tumblr, FFN, I even found one on an older neocites, etc.

The point is I don't really get that mindset, even if more of my fandoms had those types of numbers. I'm sure it has something to do with just how everything is treated as "content" now by many folks which is a whole post all for itself...

I am putting that new 3000 character limit to good use

In the end: The things people make as a labor of love in their free time is not just "content". Be mindful and try to drop the content mindset (and usage of it being a catch-all term for fanworks) and appreciate what is out there. It's amazing how art inspires art.

Modern internet infrastructure has made a lot of folks treat things as just "content" when any form of art shouldn't be treated as such. Push yourself to practice getting out of that mindset if its not something you're already doing. It's good for you, and the creators of the world out there.



I've been trying really hard on my DW comms to not use "content" because it's such a nothing glurge word. We're stuck with it as a meaningless catch-all term, but it doesn't mean I have to like it or use it. (And we call generative AI glurge 'art', which is the real kicker, that's what we should be calling 'content', jeez.)

