wondering what i can post about that others might like sufficiently to engage with. i don't have much to work with.
minimal effort is important, that's clear. there was a lot of engagement when i was posting about Japan Film Festival Online BEFORE it started, and people were like oh yes that sounds good and now that the films are available it's pretty much crickets.
likewise the contrast between others' visual creativity easily captured in a photo v writing over 30 seconds reading length



I'm just getting to it - last week was busy + weekend I actually felt good enough to get a bit of housework done.

Also had to figure out *how* to watch. My internet is pretty slow but I was able to watch one film yesterday on a tablet, so that's good and will work.

i understand. there are always reasons. which is why i'm always trying to figure out ways to accommodate and work around everyone else's busy lives.
like i said, minimal effort is important. micro-blogging fosters competition for attention in its very nature and most people are already overloaded with their own things.

