Speed Racer, the Perfect Anime Adaptation - A detailed analysis of the 2008 Speed Racer film, written by Ethan Halker. In it, Halker examines the film's use of narrative and visual effects to recreate the vibe and feel of the 1967 Speed Racer anime.

Link: animeherald.com/2023/10/21/spe

#speedracer #anime #film #wachowskis #tatsunoko



Such a good movie. Not perfect, but everything I could ever want from a live-action Speed Racer.

Now, if only they could have competently marketed it! I never heard anything good about it, picked up the DVD years later, was shocked with how much I adored it, and then spent years after showing it to friends who thought it would be crap and were amazed.

(Late for a convention one year; friend refused to stop the movie so we could leave on time! She was sitting inches from my TV and that was that!)

